How do I connect the app to my Qwiek.snooze?

Using the Qwiek.snooze app makes using the Qwiek.snooze even simpler. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and connect it to your Qwiek.snooze device.

Jackbot_QS1_ProductDoes your Qwiek.snooze look like the image on the right? Then you have the first version of the Qwiek.snooze. Check out all the articles about your Qwiek.snooze here. You can recognize them by (v1) in the title.

The app allows you to control the Qwiek.snooze remotely without disturbing your client. For example, if your client is in bed and becomes restless, you can easily change or stop the music using the app.

You can also modify playlists by simply selecting the desired playlist from the list of available playlists in the app. Additionally, the app provides an overview of all your Qwiek.snooze devices and allows you to give them a recognizable name. This is useful if there are multiple devices available in your department.

Download the Qwiek.snooze app

Download the Qwiek.snooze app from the App Store or Play Store.

Connect the app to the Qwiek.snooze device.

Then connect the app to the Qwiek.snooze device.

If your Qwiek.snooze is not yet connected to the app, simply tap on the plus sign next to 'My Snooze(s)'. Then press the plus-minus button on the respective Qwiek.snooze. Once the app detects this, it will automatically establish a connection. You can now control the Qwiek.snooze and easily reconnect through 'My snooze(s)' whenever needed.

Want to connect another Qwiek.snooze? Just tap on the plus sign next to 'My Snooze(s)'.

Please take note of a few important points:

  • Make sure that the Qwiek.snooze device is within a distance of 10 meters from the phone/tablet where the Qwiek.snooze app is installed.
  • The Qwiek.snooze should not be playing music at that time, as it will interfere with the connection.
  • Check if the Bluetooth on your phone/tablet is turned on.

Pair snooze_QSapp

Note: A Qwiek.snooze can be connected to a maximum of 3 different phones/tablets using the Qwiek.snooze app. If multiple devices have connected to the same Qwiek.snooze, the device that was first used to establish the connection with the app will be 'forgotten'.