This article will guide you on how to stream music on the Qwiek.snooze v1.
Does your Qwiek.snooze look like the image on the right? If so, you have a new version of the Qwiek.snooze. Check out all the articles about your Qwiek.snooze here.
Stream music on the Qwiek.snooze v1
You can play music on the Qwiek.snooze v1 from other devices using the Bluetooth connection. For example, you can stream music from Spotify on your phone to the Qwiek.snooze v1. To do this, you will need a phone or tablet with Bluetooth connectivity. Make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your device.
Step 1: Activate the Bluetooth streaming feature on your Qwiek.snooze v1
You can do this in two ways:
- Using the .snooze app: Go to the settings through the menu (yellow triangle) and select the Bluetooth mode.
- On the Qwiek.snooze v1 device: Press and hold the play (>) and plus (+) buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. The blue light will blink once, and you will hear a mode switching sound.
Is this your first time connecting to the Qwiek.snooze v1? Proceed to step 2.
The Qwiek.snooze v1 is now in Bluetooth mode and will automatically connect to the device that was previously connected to the Qwiek.snooze v1. If this doesn't happen, go to step 3.
Step 2: Connecting your phone or tablet to the Qwiek.snooze v1 for the first time
If this is your first time connecting your phone or tablet to the Qwiek.snooze v1, you need to activate the pairing mode. Press and hold the play (>) and plus (+) buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. The blue light will continue to blink, and you will hear a searching sound.
Step 3: Select your Qwiek.snooze v1 in the Bluetooth settings
Choose the Qwiek.snooze v1 from the list of available devices on your phone or tablet.
Step 4: Playing music
You can now play music on the Qwiek.snooze v1 using your phone or tablet.
Disconnecting the Bluetooth connection
There are two ways to disconnect the Bluetooth connection:
- Using the .snooze app: Navigate to the settings through the menu (yellow triangle) and select Bluetooth.
- On the Qwiek.snooze v1: Press and hold the play (>) and minus (-) buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. The blue light will blink three times, and you will hear a mode switching sound.