How to upload music to the Qwiek.melody?

This article explains how to upload music to the Qwiek.melody.

Step 1: Remove the USB stick from the Qwiek.melody device.

Open the light gray flap located at the top of the box at the back of the Qwiek.melody. Below, you will find two torx screws that hold the flap in place. Unscrew them to open the cover. Remove the USB stick from the box. Close the front flap and make sure to securely close the light gray flap at the top. Note: It is important to push down firmly on the light gray flap to ensure the box is properly sealed.


Note: Make sure to firmly close the light gray flap at the top to ensure the box is properly sealed and waterproof.

Step 2: Collect your music

The Qwiek.melody can play different music every day. Collect the music files that you would like to play and make sure they are saved as MP3 files.

Step 3: Place the music onto the USB stick

Insert the USB stick into your computer and navigate to the File Explorer. Open the folder of the USB stick, which contains subfolders named after each day of the week. Open the desired subfolder (for example, the "Monday" folder) and copy your own music files into this folder to play them on that day. Repeat this process for all the days.


Caution! Do not change the folder structure. If you remove the subfolders (the days), the Qwiek.melody will play all the music stored on the USB stick.

Step 4: Insert the USB stick back into the Qwiek.melody device.

Open the compartment at the back of the Qwiek.melody device and insert the USB stick into the USB port.