How do I change the music on my Qwiek.snooze?

The Qwiek.snooze comes with several playlists. You can choose from these lists alternately or play your own music.

Jackbot_QS1_ProductIf your Qwiek.snooze looks like the image on the right, then you have the first version of the Qwiek.snooze. You can find all articles about your Qwiek.snooze here. These articles are recognizable by the (v1) in the title.

Changing the playlist

To change the active playlist on your Qwiek.snooze device, simply connect it to the Qwiek.snooze app. From the list of available playlists, you can select the desired one. This list shows all the playlists that are installed on your Qwiek.snooze device.Playlists_QSapp

Adding your own playlist

You can also add your own playlists to the Qwiek.snooze device.

Step 1: Remove the SD card from your Qwiek.snooze device.

Remove the Qwiek.snooze from its case. On the side of the device's housing, you will find an SD card. This SD card contains all the playlists that are installed on the Qwiek.snooze.

Step 2: Insert the SD card into a computer

Insert the SD card into a computer. The SD card contains various folders with music. Each folder represents a playlist.

CAUTION! Do not format the SD card. This will permanently delete all Qwiek playlists. Also, do not delete the folders/files already on the SD card: they are the same Qwiek playlists mentioned above.

Step 3: Adding a Playlist

Add a new folder/directory and give it a clear name. The name of the folder/directory will be the name that the playlist will have in the app. Place all the music files (.mp3) that you want in this playlist in the corresponding folder/directory.

The music is played in numerical/alphabetical order. To determine the order yourself, we recommend giving the music files a name that starts with a number (01 - 99).

IMPORTANT! Playlists created from a Mac computer are not recognized by the Qwiek.snooze. Additionally, playlists should only contain .mp3 files. Avoid placing music in the folders/directories of the Qwiek playlists as they will no longer play correctly.

Step 4: Insert the SD card back into the Qwiek.snooze device.

Insert the SD card back into the Qwiek.snooze device. Make sure to insert the SD card correctly. Then, place the Qwiek.snooze back into its case. You can now select the desired playlist through the app.

Technical specifications

  • FAT32 - Make sure that the SD card you are using is formatted as FAT32.
  • Sample rate - The sample rate refers to the number of times per second a snapshot of the sound is taken. It is recommended to use a sample rate of 44.1 kHz, which is also the maximum supported by the Qwiek.snooze v1 device. Using higher values than 44.1 kHz may cause the device to experience interruptions or hiccups in playback.
  • Bit depth - The bit depth determines the number of "steps" that make up the sound. The more bits, the wider the dynamic range, which is the difference between the loudest and softest sound that can be recorded. The recommended and maximum bit depth is 32-bit.
  • Bitrate - The bitrate is the amount of data processed per second. The more data that is present in one second of audio, the larger the file size will be. However, this also means that the sound quality will be better. The recommended (and maximum) bitrate is 320 Kbps. Using a bitrate of 160 Kbps or lower will result in significantly poorer quality.
  • Channels - You can choose to listen to the audio in either 'mono' or '5.1 channels'. However, for the best sound quality, we recommend selecting 'stereo'.
  • Supported file format - Only the file format '.mp3' is compatible with the Qwiek.snooze.